Mr. Moreno read a Dr. Seuss book (Hooray for Diffendoofer Day!) to our class on Monday to help us celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday! Thanks for the great story, Mr. Moreno.
We have been exploring Greek mythology and talking about some of the words and expressions in our language that come from Greek mythology (Herculean, Pandora's box, Midas touch, echo, etc.). Each student has a booklet of a Greek myth that she/he will read aloud to the class. The students should practice reading their myth aloud at home (many times!) so that they can read it with fluency and expression to the class next week. Students may color in their booklets if they wish and share the pictures as they read. Some of the names are difficult to pronounce so we practiced them in class (I gave the kids a pronunciation guide to help out at home if they have trouble.) Have fun reading!
We are excited to be able to participate in the Junior Achievement program this year. Last week was the first week of this 5 session program. We talked about entrepreneurs, innovation, invention, and traits of entrepreneurs. Very exciting!